Trusted by Thousands of Restaurants & Cafés In Saudi Arabia

Helping small and medium sized food businesses access over 1000 local and international food brands.

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Why Arzag?

Delivery to All Kingdom

Delivering to 170 cities. Constantly expanding our reach and adding new cities and routes

Chilled & Frozen Delivery

Controlled temperature delivery trucks to ensure optimal conditions for every order delivered

All Your Project Needs

Working closely with Arzag customers to provide new services and products that better serve your project

Taxed Bills

Issuing tax invoices received directly after the delivery of each order to help control your finances

All Brands in One Place

Easily access over 1000 brands on one platform with wholesale prices

Discounts and gifts

Supporting your business by offering discounts and gifts

How To Order

3 Simple Steps to Order

Schedule A Call

Select the suitable time and date using Arzag responsive calendar.
(Schedule A Call)

Fill the Form

Fill the fields with the correct information so Arzag can help you select the right products and services for your business

Arzag Agent Will Call you

Our agent will call you at the scheduled time to discuss your business needs, available offers, and delivery times

Schedule A Call

Book a call with one of Arzag's agents to get the benefits and offers that best suit your business.

Book Now!

Arzag Mobile Application

You can also order directly from our mobile application

Multiple payment methods

Pay directly through the app by choosing your preferred payment method.

Track the status of your Orders

Track and edit your order anytime through the app. 

Schedule a delivery time

Choose the convenient time of delivery by scheduling your orders.

Request your tax bill

Keep track of your finances by accessing your purchase history and issued tax invoices.

تطبيق أرزاق لمساعدة اصحاب المشاريع الغذائية

*Only Arabic version available at the moment

Arzag's Speciality

Fast Food

And Many Many More...
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Arzagplus is a platform that aims to help new and existing businesses access HoReCa products easily from one source without having to deal with multiple suppliers or committing to a high purchase volume , The products Arzag is offering serves the HoReCa sector , Hotels , Restaurants and cafes as well as home businesses boosting their productivity and continuity.

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